Courses Testimonials


I was ALL IN from the moment I arrived and once we arrived I was screaming that we were there and ready! I left the weekend with very little sleep, I left buckets of tears, I left some onion skin behind, I purged and dug deep, I left physically and emotionally drained and exhausted, and I left with life lasting friendships. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!"

- Jean Feist Simmons


I'm down 22 pounds in 7 weeks and keeping it off! This has truly been life changing!"

- Phyllis Gambone


There will be hard days and harder days, but there will be good days and great days leading to your best days and self!"

-Nichole Heise

"I couldn't be happier with the strategy I've been handed... 

you guys are a powerful source of physical and mental encouragement"

- David Hines

"I so needed this in my life and I will forever be connected to this HHBG way of living

because why would I ever want to go back to how I felt?!"

- Debbie Gotelli Hayes


with a winning strategy for a happier and healthier you!"

- Desiree Scherdin


I have not had a chance to truly digest these last 8 weeks and ALL that Lindsey and Molly have given us. It’s mind blowing to know how much love and care they gave each of us. I can’t even imagine how much time and effort this took for each of them. They showed up every Tuesday and Thursday with a positive attitude and a heart to share everything they could. I am humbled. I am blessed. I am thankful for this experience. I am still a mess some days BUT I now have the tools to help pull myself out of the “pit”. Rudy and I love you Lindsey and Molly for who you are and what you stand for! May the Lord give back to you pressed down, shaken together and overflowing.

- Linda Chavera Martinez​​


As I sit here and reflect, I am in awe of the greatness in my life! I haven’t felt like this in many years and I am so happy! I am loving my new Growth Base Ritual of getting up early, it helps me to connect with myself and see how I’m doing, and myself told me this morning that I’m doing great! I love this course, I so needed this in my life and I will forever be connected to this HHBG way of living because why would I ever want to go back to how I felt before! And I know it’s only going to get better! Thanks you Lindsey Duncan and Molly Duncan, I am forever grateful. 

- Debbie Gotelli Hayes

Good morning all! It has been an amazing week here. 8 weeks ago I thought there would be a slight possibility the life as I knew may be over. I feared I was going down a path to eventually being unable to do the simplest of tasks, just standing up was difficult. I had all but quit the gym, given up on clean food, and was so depressed and angy at all of it, mostly myself for not being strong enough to prevent it all from happening. Then this program…this group…Molly and Lindsey. I’m now stacking my wins. I checked and I’m 14 camps away from 100. I’ve planned it out and I will make it happen. 8 weeks ago I could barely stand up. I’m back at 4:45 am camps and people are back to calling me crazy for getting up that early. Best part is I don’t have to get up that early, I choose to get up that early. ​

- Connie Salyer

I am finally feeling much better. I have been walking every day, but not setting an early alarm, until today, because I knew I needed rest. But, looking forward to getting back up to speed. I still followed along, took the supplements, and am so grateful for the "me specific" protocol I received! Thank you so very much for that Lindsey! 

- Connie Salyer

Zero State roll call time for those of you that want to share! Day 1 I was 0-1 and secretly hated me! Today I am 4-5! I and am working and striving to keep from beating myself up most of the time! I fall often but now I know when I fall that I ask my team for help. Knowing that it is ok to admit not being perfect is a huge win for me and yes I am during this post! I remind myself often that I burned rejection and perfection and those need to be gone but they do sneak up on me but now I react differently more times than before. Thank you Lindsey Duncan and Molly Duncan for teaching me so much! I am forever grateful! Thank you Ellie and Brandon for all your behind the scenes work! Thank you to my team who I can’t wait to hug and love on you in 22 weeks.

- Jean Feist Simmons


I’m loving the control and awareness of this experience! In the past I’ve tried fasts that allowed me to eat 6 hours of the day and I always seems to just go back to eating normal not so good stuff and never got anywhere or very limited results. This is the real deal. This is lifestyle. I’ve eaten 5 meals since midday Tuesday and have had zero sugar or carbs! Not missing it! Chemo does a number on your joints and inflammation. Joint pain from a 8-9 daily to 2-3. Swelling and inflammation gone! Down 6 pounds. I’m eating less, feeling empowered and the family is on board with me! We’ve only started, and I can’t wait for next Tuesday for our menu and leadership from Lindsey and Molly! We are the pioneers of many groups to follow, and I couldn’t be happier in the strategy we’ve been handed...  You guys are a powerful source of physical and mental encouragement, and I am so happy to be with you on this journey! 

- David Hines


Thanks to those of you in this group who are encouraging and doing this with me. I’ve had a lot of trauma over the last 9 years both physically and mentally so it really helps me to have cheerleaders on my corner. And of course thanks Lindsey and Molly for doing this course. I 100% believe we go through the trauma of situations to be able to help otherson the other side of it!​

- Manda Cromer​​


 Since we began the program, I have gotten up at 6 am every morning (longest I’ve done that since the military )did my stretching while listening to affirmations on the Self app, followed by working out. 
When the alarm went off at 5:45, it crossed my mind to hit snooze for the first time in a week. I immediately thought of this group and my goals and 5,4,3,2,1…turned the lights on and started my new routine. I even did a HIIT cardio/weights workout that kicked my ass, but I got it done! I have felt great all day! Seriously loving this group and everything we’re learning! 

- Nichole Heise​​

Good evening my HHBG family..My testimony I have lost 9lbs. Which is great for me. It's been a challenge for sure I love my sweets and pasta. To date I have not had any sugar, cheese or carbs this is huge for me. I am definitely focused on my journal. This is life changing and of course exercise. Not gonna lie it's been a challenge but worth it. Thank you Lindsey and Molly. ​

- Phyllis Gambone​​

I am just feeling like a million!!!! Thank you Lindsey and Molly! 
I am on cloud 9!!! I got my personal supplement list from Lindsey. Ordering everything now and praising God I have the money to do it. We are all SO blessed!!!  It's a good feeling to see change so darn fast!!! 
This morning I automatically woke up really early. Felt really good and was even like yea, I can go on my walk before I go scrub airplane seats all day ( to help my daughter and son -in-love who redo leather in private planes). So as I'm getting ready to head out... IM SINGING a tune. I was humming a tune all day. So this evening I am like...WHO ARE YOU!!!
Friends, there is no antidepressant that can make you feel this good. 
Wow, wow, wow...we have the best of the best in Lindsey and Molly and each other, this foundation group!!! 

- Ramona Tucker​​

This course has been the best thing we have ever done!! We have been MIA on this page due to circumstances beyond our control, but we are doing it all behind the scenes and can’t thank you all enough for all your post which have been so encouraging for us to keep going!!Lindsey Duncanand Molly Duncan we only wish we knew how to express our amazing thanks to you two for sharing your life experience and knowledge with us all!! The mental and physical changes we are going through are beyond amazing!! Tom has some major PTSD from childhood abuse that didn’t surface until a few years ago, but day by day He can feel a difference in how he is dealing with it , all in a good way!! We only have you two to thank you for that, and all the amazing people in this group for sharing their journeys. We love you all!!! I want to do this program all over again and this time be able to be present for it and encourage others the way we have been helped we have had friends ask us what we are doing and Lindsey They want me to send them your website to see your products!! Maybe they will take your next course!!! love ya’all

- Tom Cheryl Weaver Crofter​​

Cheers! 72 hour autophagy fast completed total of 16lbs lighter since starting this class I feel amazing. I’m so grateful to have accomplished and learned something new. I’m still processing a lot of what I’ve learned in these hours! it’s worth it. This is doable. And scheduling is really critical. In the midst of all our crazy season… there is time and space for me to DO what feeds and fuels my body, mind and soul when I am INTENTIONAL. Molly ’s famous smoothie is quite the treat  I slowly did oils/fats over the past few hours as I transition out of fast.

Zarah Cochran Bates


Dusted off my nemesis and took charge today. Making myself use it … until I sell it. I feel so good today... do I really want to sell it?!?!? Now I vote just ADD a treadmill and turn the “playroom” above the garage that my kids have outgrown into a gym. Ya’ll pray for my husband!

​- Deana Cunningham​​

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